Welcome to our Parish

We want to make it easy for everyone to know what is happening in our parish and how to join us in worship. Our parish website is our online way of extending an invitation to all who want to be part of our Christian community.

The website includes Mass Times, Parish News, Homilies and Contact Details. Read more about the history of Rathmines Parish here. We also make it easy for you to donate to our parish with a secure and easy to use Online Donations page.

Rathmines Parish works in partnership with Rathgar Parish. Click the Rathgar logo below to visit our sister website.




Thanks to all who support the work of Rathmines Parish. All are welcome in this place. Fáilte.

Mass Times

Mary Immaculate

Church of Mary Immaculate, Refuge of Sinners

Tuesday 10am
Thursday 10am
Friday 10am
Saturday (Vigil) 6.00pm
Sunday 11.00am
6.00pm (Folk Group)


St. Patrick’s day

March 14, 2025

For the feast of St. Patrick, Mass will be at 11am in Rathmines Church and 9.30am in Church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar.  There will be no evening mass.

We wish all our parishioners a Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Have you considered serving your parish as a Minister of the Word?

March 7, 2025
Have you considered serving your parish as a Minister of the Word? 


This Ministry is an important part of our Eucharistic celebrations – an encounter between the Christian community and the Word of God. It is a privilege and a responsibility to serve in this Ministry.


New Mass Schedule from Sunday 9th March

February 28, 2025

Dear Parishioner,

Over the last two years we have monitored closely the numbers attending Church and thankfully numbers have improved.  However, the current schedule is simply too much for one priest to sustain.  Canon law permits a priest to celebrate up to two masses a day and in pastoral circumstances more, but only for good…

Exposition for Lent

February 28, 2025

LENT 2025

HOLY HOUR Tuesdays 7.30pm Rathmines Church

ADORATION Mon/Weds/Sat 10.30am – 11.30am and Sat 6pm – 7pm

Rathgar Church

Young Adult Schedule March-April

February 25, 2025

The Catholic Young Adult Group for Rathmiens & Rathgar meets every second week for a faith formation input & social evening.  Check out the Group’s Schedule for March-April 2025. New members (18-40) always welcome.

See All Notices

Prayers For Home

Lord, I know you are with me and love me.
Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes.
Keep me from all distractions so that I will make

the best use of this time that is available to me.
Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying,
and help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study
and for the many gifts and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in such a way
that they honour you and do justice to myself.


My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and long for You in my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come into my heart.
As though you have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to you;
never permit me to be separated from you.


The Building Hope Prayer

Pilgrim God, we give you thanks and praise.
You constantly journey with us even in our darkness and doubts.
We seek your way of loving kindness to walk together as one family.
Open our eyes to recognise you in the faces of one another,
in the breaking of bread and in the splendour of creation.
May the risen Christ sow seeds of hope and new life deep within us.
May our hearts and minds be filled with your Word,
bringing forth truth, justice and peace.
May the Holy Spirit working in and through us do much more
than we can dare to imagine
as we live out our baptismal calling in humble and loving service.
We make this our prayer through Christ Our Lord.

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
St Laurence O’Toole, pray for us.
St Kevin, pray for us.
St Brigid, pray for us.

Every day I need you Lord, but this day especially I need some extra strength to face whatever us to come.
This day more than any other day I need to feel you near me, to fortify my courage and overcome my fear.

By myself, I cannot meet the challenge of the hour.
How much frail human creatures need Higher Power sustaining them in all that life may bring. And so, Lord, hold my trembling hand.
Be with me Lord this day, to know your guiding hand at work in all, to know your Blessed Presence ever near.

O Sacrament most holy,
O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment Thine.

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

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Youth Led Holy Hour with Prayer and Music

Rathmines Parish hosts a weekly Youth Led Holy Hour with prayer, music and time for reflection
every Tuesday evening from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. 

All are most welcome to attend or join us via the Parish Webcam.

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Reliquaries & Exhibitions

Since 2023, in celebration of the parishes 200th anniversary, Rathmines Parish Church
has exhibited historical and reliquary displays including a relic of the True Cross,
Papal vestments, saintly relics and many other historical & religious artifacts.
Be sure to drop in during our opening hours and check out these magnificent displays
and relics which are now permeant features in our Church ⚜️
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