In today’s Gospel we hear two healing stories: Jairus’ daughter and the Woman of the Well.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a time to realise our collective vulnerability and fragility. In his message for this year’s World Day of Prayer for the Sick last February, Pope Francis made this point: “A society is all the more human to the degree that it cares effectively for its most frail and suffering members”. The letter draws attention to the dangers of ‘self-idolatry’ when our faith is reduced to empty words and we are unconcerned with the lives of others.
Mark’s Gospel is full of stories about healing. Jesus asks most people that he healed not to tell anyone. Why? Well, he wanted to avoid any superficial response or sensational reaction to the sick being healed. His focus was on God’s love. He wanted to lead people to an understanding and a deeper appreciation of the gift of God’s love through healing.
We become what we do: Jesus shows us by His way of service, forgiveness, healing and outreach to those who were rejected and disdained.
During Holy Week the oils used for the sacraments are blessed by the Archbishop. The Holy Oils soothe, heal, bless, anoint and consecrate. They bring about a new purpose and meaning to every human life by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, through the ministry of service to God’s people in the Church.
The sacraments celebrate an unshakeable, unbreakable bond of love that unites us with Christ forever.
May the Good Lord sustain, preserve and inspire in us a renewed generosity – especially for the poor, the sick, the lonely and those who are unrecognised and unloved.
Fr Andrew